понедельник, 3 апреля 2017 г.

Unique Zero G flight in Russia

Zero Gravity flights is an adventure, rightiously considered one the most amazing and unforgettable in the world. Only space travelling could be compared to this. The uniqueness of an adventure is not only about the fact that weighlessness condition is simulated not in space, but on Earth, not far from Moscow. 

Zero Gravity flights are perfomed on a Russian aircraft IL-76 MDK which is a modification for Soviet IL-76 airplane - military transport aircraft designed in 1969, constructed and adopted in 1971. In 1981 the airplane underwent deep modernization: the flight range as well as its carrying capacity was increased.

IL-76 MDK was designed in late 1980-s as a flying simulator of zero gravity conditions in order to train cosmonauts. Now its a unique vessel which is still used for drills, scientific experiments and for entertaining purposes.
What makes it so distinctive among other training aircrafts of its class?

The closest analogue of IL-76 MDK is Boeing 727-200 which is narrow-fuselage civil aircraft adapted for zero gravity flights. The seats in these planes were removed and handrails were installed so tourists can enjoy the adventure. But the fuselage sizes remained the same: its height does not exceed 1,5 meters. This creates limitations in moves which can be performed while the zero gravity mode is on. The height of IL-76 MDK is more than 3 meters so during the weightlessness mode the tourists are able to perform somersaults and rolls. Also its much comfortable to have enough space for enjoying the flight on a big-sized aircraft than to huddle on a small platform of a civil plane!

We arrange commercial Zero G flights for tourists every year. We also offer a unique drills with in a "Sokol" space suit, "Soyuz-TMA" space ship simulator and TsF-18 centrifuge training.

If you want to book the Zero Gravity flight please send us a request on jet@tour-space.com

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