пятница, 28 апреля 2017 г.

Fly in Zero Gravity

To fly in a weigntlessness condition, staying on Earth – is that real? To feel your body weight disappear and Earth gravitation vanishes, while you are soaring away – that is now absolutely real. “People will never hover like a birds” – once people used to say. Now in modern days we can certainly say: yes, people can hover freely!

You can perform a thrilling flight in a weigntlessness condition. No, that is not aerodynamic tube or trampolines, that is a real weightlessness, created aboard unique aircraft-laboratory IL-76 MDK (which stands for “Modified space airplane for a long ranged distance”), which was created specifically for cosmonauts’ training in the Russian Gagarin Space Training Center (GCTC) and for experiments conducting in a zero gravity condition.

From now on gravitation and friction laws will no longer stay in force, so you can freely float in the air, tumble, do backflips or even fly like a Superman! Make your best selfie in a weightlessness condition and amaze your friends in a social media!

 On 20th of April group of our tourists have already experienced Zero Gravity flight. After the flight they received named certificates about their successful flight in weightlessness mode. Our next Zero Gravity flight is scheduled on 24th and 25th of August! Join now, the amount of available places is limited!

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