суббота, 26 сентября 2015 г.

Waiting you for amazing Zero-Gravity Flight in Russia! Applications for Zero G flight accept in advance for 30-45 days!

Our company "Country of Space Tourism LTD" in cooperation with the  Cosmonaut Training Centre Yuri Gagarin (Star City) offers a unique and exclusive VIP-tour!!

You can, spending only 3-4 hours and left Moscow only  for 20 km away, to feel the real Zero Gravity condition, which is known only to astronauts who goes to Space. The Earth's gravity will disappear and you will be free floating in the air. This is clearly seen in our videos.
For the period that  Program of simulated Zero-G Flight experience on the basis of a flying laboratory  IL-76MDK belongs to Cosmonaut Training Center , was participated  no more than 1,000 Russians and foreigners (including preparing astronauts and employees of Star City).

Requirements for health: Do not think that we should have some sort of "sports health and physique" and we put forward to the health of participants special requirements for Zero Gravity flight !!! Our clients - ordinary Russians and foreigners, the age of many of which are more than 50-55 years.
The nearest flight of a mixed group - October 29th, 2015 !!
(in flight will take part one of the world's television "SKY NEWS" and you have a chance to glorify themselves or their products !!!!
Applications for Zero-G flight accept in advance for 30-45 days. There are still free places in group!

And if you already have a group for Zero-G Flight  and you pay the entire flight by yourself, then you can assign to fly any convenient date for you !!

Waiting you for amazing Zero Gravity Flight in Russia!

вторник, 22 сентября 2015 г.

Zero G Flight is most popular and exciting experience! The special Zero-G experience take place in "Star City”

In childhood lots of us want to be cosmonauts, dreams about Space, and thought, “How cool will be feel weightless as cosmonaut!!”
And now time has changed, and dream could become true!  We are grown up, but our love for space not disappear. With more excitement and curiosity we are searching ways to realize such dreams. And in Russia you could make this Zero Gravity Flight! Also, as other  space adventures.  Zero G Flight is most popular and exciting experience! You think it is need go to Space for this? NO!  You shouldn’t spend so much money to experience soaring in Zero – Gravity, and even doesn’t need go to  Space. There is other way to feel un-Earthly feeling of weightlessness!For this experience have been specially constructed plane Ilyushin – 76 MDK, which is used  for  real cosmonauts training to make actions in  Zero Gravity. This plane belongs to Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre. During Zero Gravity Flight plane doing Special maneuver which called parabolic pattern (Kepler curve), and you gets in weightless for some time. During Zero- Gravity Flight Experience you will have 10-15 regimes of weightless!  The Ilyushin- 76 MDK is the largest parabola aircraft in the world! That’s why during Zero G  Flight you will have freedom flight, and soar in weightless like a cosmonaut, excited by this feeling in big plane with lots of free space! In other countries, they used more little planes which are not specially constructed for Zero Gravity Experience and training. It is not so exciting and interesting, and could be not even safe!
The special Zero-G experience take place in "Star City”,  where international astronaut crews are on training to fly in later missions  and to the International Space Station ISS. 

понедельник, 21 сентября 2015 г.

About Zero Gravity Experience!

  The Zero Gravity Experience include tour to Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre, medical comission,   prefight instructions with the staff of Cosmonaut Training Centre, memorable Certificate, proto and video.
   How we create weighlessneess mode during your Zero-G flight? The answer is closely connected with the Phisics. Zero-G experience comes from the way of flight abroad IL-76 MDK! Keplers curve create the weighlessness mode during the flight. When the aircraft on the top of parabola and starting ti decline, expectly in that moment we will experience weighlessness for 20-25 seconds.
   The most popular question is: will i xperience Zero Gravity during all the flight? The answer is no. During your Zero-G flight abroad the IL-76 MDK you will have 10 weightlessness modes which durations is 20-25 seconds each. The total time of weighlessnes modes is 250 seconds.

суббота, 19 сентября 2015 г.

Zero Gravity flight in the IL-76! A unique Adventure in Russia!

Zero Gravity flight in the IL-76! A unique Adventure in Russia!
Zero-G flight on a special plane IL-76 is one of the directions of Space Tourism. This Extreme Adventure is held near Moscow at Chkalovsky airfield. The IL-76 can accommodate no more than 14 tourists. Every tourist has his instructor, who monitors safety in Zero-G Flight.
The special trajectory of the aircraft IL-76 allows you to make Zero Gravity on Board, and the tourists are free to fly inside the plane.

Flying in Zero Gravity on the IL-76 are rare, no more than 5-6 times a year.
A Group of tourists to participate in zero gravity flight is going to and is registered in advance. Anyone wishing to make a Weightless flight on the IL-76 MDK provide your details and receive a special Permission to visit the airfield Chkalovsky.
To fly in Zero-Gravity tourists are not allowed under the age of 18. This is a mandatory and very important condition.
The company “Country of Space Tourism” at the present time forms a Group of tourists to fly in Zero Gravity 29 October 2015.
You can participate in this chic adventure contacting this company and submitting the application to participate.

пятница, 18 сентября 2015 г.

Zero Grvity flight in Russia abroad IL-76 MDK! Incredible Zero-G experience in Cosmonaut Training Centre in Moscow! Welcome to Russia for the next Zero-G flight!

The Zero-G experience is an opportunity that happens once in life to experience real weightlessness abroad IL-76 MDK of Cosmonaut Training Centre in Moscow. During Zero Gravity flight you will be able to feel like a cosmonaut in Space Station.
   To create Zero Gravity experience used special aircraft, which was specially constructed for cosmonauts training. Weightlessness created from special way of the flying the aircraft, which called Kepler's curve. Zero Gravity flight includes 10 parabolas, which are providing the weightlessness mode.
   Zero-G flight provides a lot of fun and emotions that you had never feel before. You are free to move without any thoughts of gravity restrictions! Amazing opportunity with you abroad IL-76 MDK in Russia is the perfect way to experience weightlessness.

среда, 16 сентября 2015 г.

You have got chance to realize your dream during Zero-G Flight in plane- laboratory IL- 76 MDK!!

        Each of us during their life was dream to fly! We have no wings, as birds, but it appears that human could fly without wings! It is possible in condition of weightless, which simulated in earthly conditions!
     You have got chance to realize your dream during Zero-G Flight in plane - laboratory IL- 76 MDK, as it is doing cosmonauts, in their training for work in Space.
It is not necessary go to Space to feel emotions which have cosmonauts in orbital. There are several opportunities of weightlessness in Earth, one of which – a Zero Gravity flight in a specially adapted plane laboratory IL-76 MDK. Condition of  "freedom flight" is achieved through the movement of a special parabolic trajectory: first plane sharply shoots up at an angle of 45 degrees, then goes down and then comes the weightlessness, the duration of which - 25-30 seconds. During one Zero G flight runs from 8 to 20 conditions of weightlessness. Inside the aircraft is safe: all the walls are upholstered, solid objects are not available, on the perimeter there are special rails, which can be grasped. Zero Gravity flight also required to participate experienced instructors and sometimes - real cosmonauts, for whom practice is very important. During short moments of weightlessness future heroes of space are learning as quickly as possible to put on the suit. Interesting fact, that in these workouts took part  first group of astronauts, among them was legendary Yuri Gagarin, German Titov, Valentina Tereshkova, Alexei Leonov, and others. In Zero-G Flight can participate persons who have reached 18 years old. The tour also includes a medical examination, permissions, presentation of the certificate  on the implementation of Zero Gravity Flight  in Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. In addition, you can also order a photo and video.
Health requirements for Zero G Flight: Do not think that you should have  "sports health and body" , and that we put forward special requirements to the health of participants in Zero Gravity Flight !!! Our clients are ordinary Russians and foreigners, the age many of them are more than 50-55 years. It is only the lack of any serious pathological disorders of the heart and respiratory system. Participating in the flight not only men - women experienced Zero Gravity much better and more actively aspire in Space.

вторник, 15 сентября 2015 г.

The flight in zero gravity as a GIFT! Zero Gravity flight in IL-76 MDK!

Zero Gravity flight in IL-76 MDK! Zero-G flights are held in the area of Moscow!

        Zero Gravity flight in IL-76 MDK is the most popular tourist services not only for individual travelers, but also for corporate groups. You got the real opportunity to experience weightlessness, unusual way of movement and no gravity restrictions during Zero Gravity mode.
    The flight in zero gravity as a GIFT!
   This tour could be of interest for those who wish to experience something new or make a gift to family, friends or business partners, improve the corporate life of the company as unusual adventure or even advertise your product or brand in such unusual way and conditions!
 Flight will be performed by the aircraft which was made on the basis with huge space of the saloon in IL-76MDK like flying laboratory of Cosmonaut Training Center, which is providing the ability to feel short-term weightlessness. During the flight by Kepler curve, at the moment of horizontal flight to the ascending position of the curve and movement of the aircraft through its mode creates short-term of weightlessness lasting up to 25 seconds each mode. The whole flight takes 1-1.5 hours with performing up to 10 modes of weightlessness experience, a total staying in weightlessness will take about 250 seconds.
   Zero-G flights are held in the area of Moscow, which is only 20 km far away from the capital. Zero Gravity flight must be booked in advance (45 days before the flight day).
   The total number of participants is 14 people for one Zero-G flight. The minimum number of participants is not limited - you can make a flight even alone!

понедельник, 7 сентября 2015 г.

Price of Zero-G Flight in Russia. Cost of Zero - G Tour with Weightlessness!

 Our travel agency "Country of Space Tourism LTD" will be glad to organize your staying in Moscow according to your interests, wishes and special requests. We are doing our best to make your visit Russia memorable! Our staff provide personalized assistance from the beginning of the tour to the completion of the entire visit to Russia. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you have.
If you want to have a Zero - Gravity flight but you can not find friends to join you, therefore, we have the solution for you.
We have started collecting the Group for Z-Gravity flight at 29 of October 2015.
Our flight in Z-Gravity is becoming more popular!
Price for 1 person for participating the flight 3.999 euro! (without trip to Russia!)
Price for Z-Gravity Flight (for group up to 14 people) is 49.999 Euro without trip to Russia!
 Zero-Gravity Flight price is included:
  • Permission for entry and visit to the Cosmonaut Training Centre (Star City) and the Chalakovskiy Airbase;
  • Tour of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (GCTC);
  • Medical check;
  • Preparation to the Zero-G Flight in the airplane-lab IL-76MDK;
  • Flight in the airplane-lab IL-76MDK (be weightless for 10 parabolic arcs);
  • Personal certificate;

воскресенье, 6 сентября 2015 г.

Amazing Video with tourists - Zero G Flight - Parabolic Flight With The Ilyushin 76-MDK of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (Moscow)!

Amazing Video with tourists - Zero G Flight - Parabolic Flight With The Ilyushin 76-MDK of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (Moscow)! This video here shows our last Zero-G flight with the plane of the cosmonauts, done on August 26, 2015! 10 parabolas were flown and the mission was a full success!! Welcome to fly!

Is it possible to feel weightlessness for Adventure lovers? The answer is – YES! Zero-Gravity flight in Moscow!

Is it possible to feel weightlessness for Adventure lovers? The answer is – YES! Zero-Gravity flight in Moscow! Everyone can participate in this memorable adventure!
   Today, not everyone know about Space Adventures, especially about Zero-Gravity flight! There is only one place in the World, where you can participate in Zero-G flight – it is Russia, Cosmonaut Training Centre in Moscow.
   We organized Zero-Gravity flight for our group of tourist on 26th of August 2015! That was amazing, group was consist not only from the individuals, but also family groups participated. During the flight you will have 10 modes of Zero-Gravity, which duration is 20-25 seconds each.
 This adventure is absolutely safe, there is no serious health restrictions for the Zero-G flight! Before the flight you will be instructed by the real cosmonauts instructors and have medical check. 
   Next Zero Gravity flight date will be on 29th of October! We already started collecting a group! Amount of participants is limited, so be hurry up to book a place in saloon of modern aircraft IL-76MDK!
Incredible Space Adventure for those, who want to feel amazing emotions!